Tuesday, January 15, 2013

(The content below is my email to my Representative and Senators.  Feel free to use any of the content if you wish.)

Senator Shelby, Senator Sessions, Representative Aderholt:

I am a very concerned citizen about the future of our country.  It cannot survive in a healthy manner under this President unless there are major changes in political philosophy and may never recover after he leaves office if it does not occur.  I wish that I were a political genius and could make detailed suggestions to counter this situation, but I am not.  Therefore I will merely point out my observations and what must be countered.

It is apparent to me that every time that the President appears in public now it is a campaign event for the 2014 elections.  Today’s media is going to encourage this and never label it for what it is.  He wants to take over both houses so he can have no opposition to his ideology.  This must be countered by the conservative politicians.  An example of this is his news conference on gun control surrounded by children that have written him about the subject.  Is it possible that the conservatives could also hold a news conference and address other subjects that are more pertinent to violence, such as mental health, violence on tv, violent video games, and the fact that the perpetrators of the mass killings are mental cases and seldom legally possess the weapons that they use? 

The hypocrisy of this President is amazing.  I cried when I heard about the children that were killed in CT.  I am also very saddened by the thousands of children that are destroyed by abortion.  How can he put forth such energy and tax payer resources on gun control and yet is a proponent for abortion.  A human life is valuable and should not be destroyed either by mass killings or abortion.  He is a hypocrite on raising the debt limit.  He called President Bush unpatriotic for having to raise the limit back in 2006 when he was a Senator.  Now he says that he will disregard the constitution if he has to and unilaterally raise it.  On this topic he uses Social Security and Medicare to scare people and says that the Republicans want to quit paying for this which is an outright lie.  The world needs to know that the Republicans have put forth plans to keep them solvent.

Please quit using the terms “tax the rich.”  Instead use “tax the successful.”  I believe this would have less political clout in the “redistribution of the wealth” philosophy that he so successfully used during the campaign and is now smearing all over the faces of conservatives.

In order to save this country it is time to quit being politically correct and call a spin a spin and a lie a lie.  If this were done during the Presidential campaign, there possibly could be a qualified person being inaugurated as our President.  Mainstream media is not going to help, but it would be nice to get the media to be objective and not so liberal.  Solve this problem and you may have the solution.  Fox News “fair and balanced” approach to the news cannot offset the media liberal bias.

If you are not concerned and willing to go the extra mile to save this country, you need to look at Europe today, and world history going all the way back to the Roman Empire.

Thanks for letting me vent.  Appreciate where you stand on the above subjects.  Keep up your efforts because this runaway train has to be stopped somehow.

Shermon E. Roberts, PE (retired)
302 Highlands
Union Grove, AL 35175

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Letter to President Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

I am concerned for the future of the United States of America.  My comments below are based on many years of experience as a manager and problem solver.

I did not vote for you four years ago because you were not qualified to run the Office of the President.  The status of our Country right now proves this to be true.  I did not vote for you this election because your policies have been failures as demonstrated by the unemployment rate, the increased number of citizens that require Government assistance, the national debt, decline in average household income, and the very slow overall economy. 

You now have an opportunity to prove to all Americans that you are worthy of the Office of the President of the United States and are ready to lead this Country back to where it rightly deserves to be.  In order to do this there are certain things that you need to do.

First and foremost, forget about being politically correct.  You cannot run for the Presidency again so you do not have to please the voters, but you should do what is determined to be best for them.  As an engineer, I was taught to make decisions by getting the facts, analyzing the facts, brainstorm possible solutions, choose and implement a solution, and if that solution did not work, go through the process again and try another solution.  No one should take blame for failure and the group should get credit for success.  Using the political process of doing what will get me reelected is an insane method of problem solving and is one of the reason we are where we are today.

You need to be above the political rhetoric.  You should avoid all talking points such as “tax the wealthy” and “the wealthy should pay their fair share.”  Money that is taken away from the wealthy is money that will not go to create jobs or invest in the future of the USA.  It does not take a PHD in economics to understand this fact.

“Redistribution of wealth” should be erased from your agenda.  Your progressive agenda has not worked in Europe and will not work in the USA.  This country was founded on the philosophy that if you work, you eat and if you do not, and are able to work, you suffer. 

There are so many regulations that businesses and potential startup businesses are afraid to venture out because of all the restrictions and Government regulations.  Ride along any street and road and see buildings that have been locked up and no longer are being used by a productive business.  This is not only true for industry but stores and restaurants as well.  Another reason that this is happening is the uncertainty in the tax requirements.  If I am successful, will the Government take the fruits of my success as increased taxes?  Why should I take the risk?

How do you establish bipartisanship?  You should involve both parties in solving all problems.  You should assure that all proposed solutions do not have a party stamp on them.  You may have to take some individuals to the woodshed (In the rural area where I grew up that was where you were taken for a whipping.) and convince them that there are no excuses, and they will work together in a rational manner.  Lobbyist should only become involved in problem solving when at least one individual from each party requests it.

The USA was founded upon Judea Christian principles. History shows that our founding fathers were strong believers and their writings (Bill of Rights and Constitution) are examples of this fact.  Somehow we need to get back to this practice.

Call a spade a spade.  We are at war with Islamist terrorists.  Actions to fight these radicals should be with all the power and resources at your disposal.

If you go shopping at WalMart, Target, ACE Hardware, and about any department store, it is almost impossible to find an item that is not made in China.  The quality of these items is so poor that it will not function very long, if at all.  Not only is China taking away American jobs, they are depriving the consumer of the possibility of purchasing a product that is worthwhile. 

Even though I did not vote for you, you are my President and I will support and defend you to the maximum. Also if I can be of assistance, in a nonpolitical manner, please call on me.

May God Bless you and yours and may God Bless the USA.


Shermon E. Roberts

Copy furnished:

Senator Richard C. Shelby
304 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Jeff Sessions
326 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Representative Robert Aderholt
2264 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

 We arrived home yesterday. After leaving Thermopolis, WY, we stopped in Conway, AR and Grenada, MS to visit relatives. It was a great, once in a lifetime trip, but it is nice to be home. We have multiple chores to do around the house; therefore this is short. Hope that you have enjoyed the photos. That is all for now.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

We are in Thermopolis, WY where WIFI and cell phone service are excellent and we can update the blog. These services were almost nonexistent at Yellowstone.

Yellowstone National Park is a beautiful phenomena of the results of  God created forces of nature. Yellowstone sits on the top of a volcano that is about 40 miles in diameter. The extreme heat from the volcano, which is some 5 miles down, creates the thermal activity that is prevalent throughout the park. One disappointment was that we did not see any bears or moose. There were thousands of bison.

Entrance Marker

 Colorful Thermal Activity

 Mammoth Hot Springs

Old Faithful

 Upper Falls 


Mineral Dome at Thermopolis, WY

Sunday, September 2, 2012

More Tetons and Jackson Hole, WY.  We spent some time at the Farmer's Market around the square in Jackson Hole.  They have all kinds of prepared food, veggies, flowers and meat.  The pan of biscuits caught Nell's eye.  The pan was a cast iron skillet that the biscuits were cooked in.  This area is organic crazy.  They advertise vegetables, even milk, as being organic.  Everything is very pricey, even a ride in the stage coach!  Enjoyed watching the Tide roll on Saturday night.  Went to church this am.  The music was great, to include a piano duet.  The pastor was from GA and preached an excellent challenging sermon.

Falls near Laurence Rockefeller Preserve

Jenny Lake in the Tetons

 Ham and Biscuits at the Farmer's Market

 Nell among the Flowers at the Square

Stage Coach Rides

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Spent one night in Evanston, WY and then on to Jackson, WY where we started to explore the Tetons.  Temperatures are in the 40’s at night and 80’s during the day.  The scenery has been beautiful.  Every house that you  see along the way has a travel trailer.  The Tetons just rise up all at once.  There are no foothills.  There are several lakes at the base of the mountains. We found one with people swimming in it.  There was a forest fire within 30 miles of the Tetons that made the news.

Grand Teton National Park Marker

Nell and Antler Arch at Jackson Square

Nell and Flowers

 Forest Fire 

Teton Panarama

People Swimming in the Tetons

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In Provo, UT today to fix the blow out.  Provo has all the shopping accommodations of home, WalMart, J C Penney, Cracker Barrel, etc.  J C Penney was the store of choice.

Too hot here; will move on to cooler climate tomorrow.

A prayer before undertaking a selection

Hope this fits

This is the one. Thank goodness the blowout is a thing of the past.