Senator Shelby, Senator Sessions, Representative Aderholt:
I am a very concerned citizen about the future of our
country. It cannot survive in a healthy
manner under this President unless there are major changes in political
philosophy and may never recover after he leaves office if it does not occur. I wish that I were a political genius and
could make detailed suggestions to counter this situation, but I am not. Therefore I will merely point out my
observations and what must be countered.
It is apparent to me that every time that the President appears
in public now it is a campaign event for the 2014 elections. Today’s media is going to encourage this and
never label it for what it is. He wants
to take over both houses so he can have no opposition to his ideology. This must be countered by the conservative
politicians. An example of this is his
news conference on gun control surrounded by children that have written him
about the subject. Is it possible that
the conservatives could also hold a news conference and address other subjects
that are more pertinent to violence, such as mental health, violence on tv,
violent video games, and the fact that the perpetrators of the mass killings are
mental cases and seldom legally possess the weapons that they use?
The hypocrisy of this President is amazing. I cried when I heard about the children that
were killed in CT. I am also very
saddened by the thousands of children that are destroyed by abortion. How can he put forth such energy and tax
payer resources on gun control and yet is a proponent for abortion. A human life is valuable and should not be
destroyed either by mass killings or abortion.
He is a hypocrite on raising the debt limit. He called President Bush unpatriotic for
having to raise the limit back in 2006 when he was a Senator. Now he says that he will disregard the
constitution if he has to and unilaterally raise it. On this topic he uses Social Security and
Medicare to scare people and says that the Republicans want to quit paying for
this which is an outright lie. The world
needs to know that the Republicans have put forth plans to keep them solvent.
Please quit using the terms “tax the rich.” Instead use “tax the successful.” I believe this would have less political
clout in the “redistribution of the wealth” philosophy that he so successfully
used during the campaign and is now smearing all over the faces of
In order to save this country it is time to quit being
politically correct and call a spin a spin and a lie a lie. If this were done during the Presidential
campaign, there possibly could be a qualified person being inaugurated as our
President. Mainstream media is not going
to help, but it would be nice to get the media to be objective and not so
liberal. Solve this problem and you may
have the solution. Fox News “fair and
balanced” approach to the news cannot offset the media liberal bias.
If you are not concerned and willing to go the extra mile to
save this country, you need to look at Europe today, and world history going
all the way back to the Roman Empire.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Appreciate where you stand on the above subjects. Keep up your efforts because this runaway
train has to be stopped somehow.
Shermon E. Roberts, PE (retired)
302 Highlands
Union Grove, AL 35175