Saturday, August 18, 2012

We are now in Page, AZ after visiting the 4 Corners area enroute.  The city of Page, AZ was established to accommodate the workers who were building the Glen Canyon Dam.  It did not exist before then.  The 4 Corners Monument is placed to identify the only place in the US where 4 states share a corner. The states are Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. 

 4 Corners Monument

Nell in 4 States at Once

The Glen Canyon Dam was built to control the Colorado River watershed.  If interested in details go to

Terrain near Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon

Lake Powell was created by Glen Canyon Dam.  It stores water for use by numerous states and Mexico. The Grand Canyon is downstream from the dam; therefore water flow through Grand Canyon is controlled by this dam. Lake Powell is now 17 feet below normal stage for this time of year.  They are looking forward to the end to the drought and major snow in the mountains this winter.

 Glen Canyon Dam

Lake Powell
The bridge over Glen Canyon was built to accommodate the construction.  Before the bridge was open, it was 200 miles from one side of the canyon to the other. After, it was 15 minutes to go from one side to the other.


  1. Nell you watch out being in 4 states at one time.

  2. I agree with out aunt Nell!!!

  3. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. Stay safe.
